some admin stuff…
…with my profuse apologies and thanks. But for some unfathomable reason, I found myself with two Medium accounts (oh, the joys of ‘log in with’!). The trouble soon ascertained was an apparent incapacity to transfer published content between accounts — and flipping jumping cats, the content in question meant time spent, effort applied, a lot of work already done. In short, it meant a lot. Quite a lot. Deleting the account with the content was, somehow, and right from the word go, a no-go option. So, what to do? And what to do that did not mean more time, work and effort?
Apparently too, nothing or very little indeed. If I want that content brought to this account, or any from here to there, I’ll have to do it myself, text by text, pic by pic. Which is a very, very risky business, as you all would know who’d ever seen me write, because I am physically unable to revisit any of my writing without editing it — profusely, persistently, very often irritatingly substantially.
I am therefore apologising to my subscribers and followers. You will find me in breach of my promise you’d never, ever, get more than one email a day from me. But needs must, and transferring that content I must.
And so, might you well ask…
… what am I doing with that other account?
Ah. Well. That’s the other thing. Contents shift between accounts and abracadabra, one blog becomes two, the [alleged] eternal duality of the astrological twins thus manifesting itself, once again and again unbidden: I’ll keep one account for my Portuguese content, and the other for my English scribbles. Easy peasy.
So: if you happen to share my first language and are curious to see what my Lusitanian muse awakes, head over to esc(ritos) breves; if you happen to be quite all right just with English and thank you very much, well — you just happened onto the right place.
Thank you for dropping in, and for understanding.